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Datsy Suggest use-cases for your business domain

We would love to co-create a unique customer engagement experience for your business


Home Page

Recommended products within navigation menus

Personalized product collections on home page

Search bar with recommended products

Product details page

Similar product recommendations

Popular products listing

Recommended products based on browsing history

Recommended products based on customers who had similar impressions

Recommended products from same category

Recommended products from same brand

Checkout experience

Related product recommendations during checkout experience

Bundled product recommendations

Abandoned cart retrieval

Personalized recommendations as part of abandoned cart recovery communications


Push notification with personalised recommendation of products

Digital Media

Discovery screen

Recommended movies within navigation menus

Personalized movie collections on discovery screen

Search bar with recommended movies

Movie details page

Similar movie recommendations

Popular movies listing

Recommended movies based on browsing history

Recommended movies based on customers who had similar impressions

Recommended movies from same genre

Recommended movies from same actor

On-demand subscription experience

Personalized on-demand movie recommendations during subscription experience

Dynamic bundled movies for binge watching


Push notification with personalized movie recommendation


Landing page

Recommended articles within navigation menus

Personalized collection of articles on landing page

Search bar with recommended articles

Article details page

Similar article recommendations

Popular articles listing

Recommended articles based on browsing history

Recommended articles based on customers who had similar interest patterns

Recommended articles from same subject

Recommended articles from same author

Paid subscription experience

Recommended paid articles during subscription experience

Dynamic bundled articles for continued reading


Push notification with personalized recommendation of articles

Datsy Suggest is Domain-agnostic!

Deliver personalized customer experience across multiple domains





Jobsites, HR

Real Estate

Travel and Trips





Discussion Forums

Enhance your customer experience at every interaction point

Datsy Suggest can enable personalized engagement across your customer journey

Product Discovery

Digital Catalogue

Predictive Search

Kiosk & POS

Dynamic Product Bundles and Offers

Cross Domain Loyalty Mapping

Up/Cross Sell Automation

Call Centre Info Screens

Internal Business Systems

Thinking of an use-case?, Datsy can bring it to life – Try now

Improve customer experience – Increase customer engagement – Increase customer retention – Increase customer loyalty – Increase revenue per customer – Increase brand value

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